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Selections from Online Publications

Short Fiction
"Charlotte and the Glass of Wine." Tupelo Quarterly
"Fly Me." Five on the Fifth
"Blessed." Fractured Lit
"Weary Carrie." Waccamaw
"Mama Bear." LEON Literary Review
"Doggy Hurt," "Rise," and "The Giving Mom." The /temz/ Review
"The World Outside." Wrong Turn Lit
"Payback." Roi Fainéant
"How to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse." Necessary Fiction
"Learn to Love Your New Body." STORY Magazine
"The Wandering Womb." Fictive Dream
"What's Left." Reckon Review
"Take Care of You." North American Review: Open Space
"We Don't." Pithead Chapel
"Sharp." Monkeybicycle
"Hollow." JMWW
"Won't Not." Pacifica Literary Review
"After the Divorce (I)." Change Seven
"All They Take." Redivider
Creative Nonfiction
"The Ladies." Still: the Journal
Craft Essays
"On Writing Community Tragedy." Necessary Fiction
"Writing Timely Fiction." Cleaver Magazine
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